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Natl. Faith-Based Prevention Alliance: Mental Health First Aid Discussion

The National Faith Based Prevention Alliance (NFBPA) is hosting a discussion on mental Health First Aid w/ Dr. Keely Petty Tuesday, June 28, at 4pm EST on Zoom!

Kick Start Your Life!™ Mental Health First Aid training is a skills-based training courses that teaches participants about mild, moderate, and severe mental health issues. The course agenda will review the ALGEE Mental Health First Aid Action Plan where participants will learn to Assess for risk of suicide or harm, Listen Non-Judgmentally, Give Re-Assurance and information, Encourage appropriate professional help, and Encourage self-help and other support strategies.

The training course will also look at Early Signs and Symptoms, Worsening Signs and Symptoms, Crisis Situations, and Self-Care for the Mental Health First Aider.

The Zoom details are as follows:

Join our Cloud HD Video Meeting

Meeting ID: 825 8646 6668
Passcode: 696928
One tap mobile
+13126266799,,82586466668#,,,,*696928# US (Chicago)
+19292056099,,82586466668#,,,,*696928# US (New York)

Please reach out to with any questions!